Legality, censorship and online impact. The legal status of jailbait images is controversial. When questioned regarding their legality, legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin stated he thought it was not illegal, though legal expert Sunny Hostin was more skeptical, describing jailbait images as "borderline" child pornography which may be illegal.

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Relação entre pornografia infantil e abuso sexual infantil. O Grupo de Trabalho da Interpol para Crimes contra Menores relaciona diretamente a pornografia infantil com o abuso sexual infantil, caracterizando a pornografia infantil como "consequência da exploração ou abuso sexual cometido contra uma criança".

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When Broadway sensations May Irwin and John Rice's notorious lip lock was immortalized on film, people were shocked! This most popular short film (an Edison Vitascope film made in Edison's Black Maria Studio) was thought to be scandalizing. It was the first filming of a couple's kiss that was

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